Friday, April 15, 2016

Disney Movie Night Presents: Winnie the Pooh

Third of my movie night series! I actually did these last summer and never got around to posting about them!

We don't watch a lot of Winnie the Pooh so thought this was necessary before our trip to Disney.

Here's what I did:

Search pinterest for ideas and recipes that work for you and your family! We do a lot of homemade to cover our allergies. 

Here was the Winnie the Pooh menu (made on my Cricut Explore)

Here are the recipes I used. Use what fits your allergies and family's needs.

Honey bbq chicken tenders:

Honey glazed carrots:

The mud pie is basic premade pie crust,  mix chocolate pudding and cool whip together, fill pie crust, top with cool whip and mini chocolate chips! So yummy!!

I really enjoy setting everything up and then surprising the kids. Photo in front of table is always a must.

On movie nights, I set up their table in the living room and eat while watching (that is an exciting treat to them). 

Enjoy! What did you make for your Winnie the Pooh night? Share in comments! 

Disney Movie Night Presents: The Little Mermaid

Second of my movie night series! I actually did these last summer and never got around to posting about them!

Little Mermaid is a childhood favorite of mine! 

Here's what I did:

Search pinterest for ideas and recipes that work for you and your family! We do a lot of homemade to cover our allergies. 

Here was the Little Mermaid menu (made on my Cricut Explore)

For the stuffed shells I found this recipe, Use what fits your allergies and family's needs!

Goldfish and salad are pretty standard, nothing special! I did make the dressing from scratch due to our allergies. 

Found those crab cookies at food lion, they are made in a nut free facility! 

I should add I don't buy "extras" like the figures, if I have them great if not no big deal. 

I really enjoy setting everything up and then surprising the kids. Photo in front of table is always a must.

On movie nights, I set up their table in the living room and eat while watching (that is an exciting treat to them). 

Enjoy! What did you make for your Little Mermaid night? Share in comments! 

Disney Movie Night Presents: Dumbo

First of my movie night series! I actually did these last summer and never got around to posting about them!

Here's what I did:

Search pinterest for ideas and recipes that work for you and your family! We do a lot of homemade to cover our allergies. 

Here was the Dumbo menu (made on my Cricut Explore)

For corndogs I found this recipe, you can use frozen if it fits your allergies and family's needs! I opted for homemade, they were pretty difficult and not pretty, but the kids loved them! 

The corn on the cob was pretty standard.

The tots were Alexia frozen sweet potato tots.

Cotton candy I got for $1 at the grocery store in premade bags. 

The popcorn machine we had and was a nice touch! 

I really enjoy setting everything up and then surprising the kids. 

On movie nights, I set up their table in the living room and eat while watching (that is an exciting treat to them). 

Enjoy! What did you make for your Dumbo night? Share in comments! 

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Making Animal Ears

This year's party theme is 3 Little Pigs and we are only two months away from party day! 

Today I made pig noses and pig ears for the kids. The tutorial below can be applied to any animal ears! 

First the pig noses. I used pink egg cartons, cut them up, rounded them out then drew the snouts on with a sharpie. I used a toothpick to poke holes in the side. I added holes on the bottom too because they were hard to breath with. I found silcone cord on sale and used that. Was pretty easy. I stored them in the container that will be used for the party.

My cat trying on the one I made too small.

Now! On to the ears!! Here's a step by step tutorial.

- Foam sheet or felt
- headbands
- scissors
- pencil
- hot glue gun and glue

First draw whatever animal ear shape you desire, just the one half. Then fold the foam sheet in half and cut around it. Try your shape over your headband (I bought mine here: )
If the shape looks good to you then go ahead and use that one as a template. I trace around it on the foam sheet and flip over each time to do both ears. 

Then I hand cut them out. Could this be done on the Cricut machine? Probably, but that would take too long to design, this takes minutes. I stack them in pairs to stay organized.

Next I fold one in half to make a crease

If they don't quite line up then use your scissors to trim

Next I added a line of hot glue along the crease then put this on the underside of the headband where I wanted it.

Next I add hot glue along one side of the ear then pinch the two sides together. I pinch with my fingers flat on top of the headband to make it centered. Don't worry about it being perfectly centered, ears aren't perfect and no kid will notice.

You can trim again if desired (I don't spend time making them perfect)

Then repeat on the other side! 

Repeat for as many ears as you want to make!

Since I had all the materials out already, I worked on our halloween ears too. I made an adult template to have slightly larger ears.

Here's the finished product! The big bad wolf ears are made of felt. I found the hat at Joann's. 

Enjoy! Feel free to comment and share your animal ears! Would love to see what you come up with! 

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Old MacDonald Party

For K's second birthday I did an Old MacDonald theme because he was obsessed with the song and farm animals for MONTHS leading up to it. 

We held the party at a family member's house which is at a horse farm. The perfect scenery all around! 

Using my cricut explore I spent months designing and creating the decorations and perfecting the theme.

This chalk marker made writing on all the chalkboard items I've been gathering very simple! I used some Pinspiration to come up with my hand written designs. 

Here's the sunscreen and bug spray bucket! It was a very hot day so I'm sure everyone appreciated the sunscreen. I got the hook from the dollar store. 

Next the watering hole! To go with the theme I got galvanized drink dispensers  and a galvinized bucket. Drinks were sweet and unsweet tea, water (in a cooler of ice), and white milk and chocolate milk for the kiddos. I chose Horizon because of the cow on the front.

For food I had several items to cleverly go with the theme but were also food allergy friendly!! Our party was peanut, treenut, soy, msg, and seafood free. There was also something for everyone if people had more allergens. All the food signs I made using my Cricut Explore. 
I carved the watermelon myself then added embellishments I made with the Cricut Explore. By the way horses LOVE watermelon! 
The "carrot patch" was dirt pudding with carrot gummies instead of gummy worms.
I do not spend time making rice krispie treats nor have I ever been successful at making them so nicely. These are the little rice krispie treats that are prepackaged. Removed the wrappers and you have perfect hay bales! 
How cute are this little disposable bowls I found at Hobby Lobby for just a few bucks! 
Once again keeping with idea of having less to do on the day of, I bought the cheese pre-cubed. 
Here is the fabulous cake my mother in law made! I inlisted her to help with the cake expecting not too much but she really got into it and did an amazing job! She used little people for the decorating which is perfect for a two year old! Don't waste time making animals out of fondant that just getd tossed! The "2" milk barrel is from the mickey farm collection. 

I made EIEIO banners using the Cricut to add to the theme. 
K's uncle got a pool for the occasion which was a huge hit for the party! Of course I had to theme it and add ducks to the "duck pond".
One of the party games was "Harriet the hen lost her eggs" which was an egg hint. I got the egg cartons at teactor supply and cut them in half, I got the plastic eggs at target on after easter clearance, and then added non-food prizes to keep with being food allergy friendly! The prizes were little plastic farm animals, bouncy balls, and ducks! 
Each kid got a carton and was allowed to get six eggs. This kept the game fair between the big kids and the little kids. 

The kids all also got to take pony rides! 
In leiu of a birthday gift, I asked my mother in law to rent a bounce house for the party. We found the perfect farm theme! I added a banner that I got for very cheap off amazon.
When guests arrived they were greeted with hats and bandanas to wear for the party! I had kid and adult sized hats available. 
The favors and gifts went on the same table at the entrance of the gate. I made this cute sign with my cricut. The animal crackers already come in these cute farm boxes! I made favor tags using the cricut and tide them and farm lollipops to it. 
Of course the big in thing for parties is having a photo booth! I made these props with the cricut and got guests into it. In hindsight I wish I had gotten a selfie stick for guests to use. 

The kids table was three plastic kid tables put together and covered in a cow print table cloth. Worked out perfectly! 
I had more games planned but we were having too much fun to play them! This was supposed to be the game where you gather the pink balloons and put them in the pig pen. 
Itms just not a farm party without giant pig and cow balloons! Got these off amazon for a pretty good deal.

Everyone had a really great time and the party was a huge success! We were EXHAUSTED by the end!